Monday, September 30, 2013

Dance, don't hold the wall

            I won’t even pretend I’m not still terrified, but I do feel like I’m starting to get the hang of this.   As we have had the opportunity to listen to, watch, and be in class with so many different teachers this semester, I am getting more and more comfortable with the idea of being a teacher. Luckily, it turns out, I like it.

            The best thing about this semester so far has been the opportunity to get ideas from the teachers around us. The more I watch my mentor teacher the more I love the relationships she is so easily able to form with the students. Seeing that kind of rapport being built is both exciting and inspiring and very much reflects how comfortable I would like my students to be in my classroom. Our professors too have offered windows into incredible experience. It’s quite neat to see and hear about how they actually are in the room with high school students. The skill and (apparent) ease with which they present, lead, and develop lessons is something lofty for which to aim. 

            When it comes to our videos, I’m both nervous to show mine and highly anticipating seeing others. Hearing what my classmates are up to have been very interesting and thought provoking. As much as I would love to have more classes with my fellow MACers, I also love hearing what is happening, what’s being taught, how things are going in other social studies classroom. Who knew you guys were so smart?

            I’m very appreciative of this exposure to different teachers doing their thing. As nervous as I am when I’m standing in front of my classroom, I think about the teachers I know and make (pretty sad) attempts to emulate them. That has given me the ability to get up and try as opposed to my normal avoidance and these first few weeks in the classroom have turned out pretty nifty. In case anyone is offering, I’m always looking for more chances to see teachers I know in action.